What ıs asphalt mıxıng plant ?
Asphalt plant; It is the facility where the aggregate grouped in different sizes with hot bitumen is mixed in a mixer and ready for production.
Asphalt Mixing Plants; mobile or fixed, continuous or batch type can be produced.
There are two types of asphalt production facilities: Type of Batch mix type and Continuous type plants.
Units located in an asphalt plant of the type BATCH and works carried out in these units are:
Cold Feed Bins: Aggregates loaded into diffirent bins for delivering to the drying drum. Each bins has different sized metarial. Each bin has equipped with adjustable gates to control flow of each material separataly.
Conveyors : Conveyors transfers the aggregates from the feeder bins to dryer drum.
Dryer : Rotating drum is equipped with flights and burner which help in drying aggregates.
Bucket Elevator for Hot Aggregates : It is a unit with chain-bucket elevator system which enables the transport of hot aggregate from the dryer to the upper units.
Vibrating Screen: It is the unit where the hot aggregate are separated.
Hot Bins: Hot bins will store the aggregates in individual bins and then release the same into the mixing unit below as per the weight set in the control panel.
Weighing Units : Bitumen, aggregate and filler are weighed in accordance with the prescription.
Mixer : Homogenous mixture of bitumen, aggregate and filler is provided in the mixer.
Control Panel : It is the center where the whole plant is used as computer controlled.
Bag Filter : For environmental protection, air pollution control devices are equipped. These devices in most of the cases are bag filter units. The fines are made to pass through the bags present in the bag filter and the dust is trapped by the bags. This dust collected can also be reintroduced into the aggregate elevator.
Bitumen Tank : These tanks storage and heat bitumen so that it can be used in the batch mixer for mixing with hot aggregates.
Filler Silo : Filler silo stores binding material so that it can be added in the mix if required.